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Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154)

Salanova|Multi-leaf butterhead
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo view-3 L
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo front L
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo view-2 L
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo view-3 L
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo front L
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo front S
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo view-2 S
Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154) product photo view-3 S

A medium green multileaf butterhead.

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Salanova® DESCARTES RZ (79-154)

It is comparable with Emerson RZ but slightly bigger head. It is fast bolting but shows signs of distress by haloing during stressful conditions such as heat, drastic weather change and extreme cold. Works well for processing.