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KAISER RZ F1 (61-077)

Rootstock tomato/aubergine
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo view-3 L
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo front L
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KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo view-3 L
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo front L
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo front S
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo view-2 S
KAISER RZ F1 (61-077) product photo view-3 S

Rootstock for long cultivation cycles or market segments, where a good plant vigour is required.

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KAISER RZ F1 (61-077)
High tech

Rootstock for long cultivation cycles or where good plant vigour is required. The plants show a balanced vigour, producing bigger size fruits. The production is early and high.

HR Tomv:0-2/Fol:0,1/For/Pl/Va:0/Vd:0 IR Ma/Mi/Mj

The plants show a balanced vigour, pruducing bigger size fruits. The production is early and high.
- Strong and generative
- Very good balance in plant
- Give a good growing out of the fruit