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Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108)

Salanova|Multi-leaf butterhead
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo view-3 L
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo front L
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo view-2 L
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo view-3 L
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo front L
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo front S
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo view-2 S
Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108) product photo view-3 S

EULER RZ (79-108) is a green Salanova Multi-leaf lettuce of the butterhead type suited for indoor production.

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Salanova® EULER RZ (79-108)

It is suitable for hydroponics and soil cultivation. EULER RZ (79-108) is earlier filling in the heart than other varieties used at this moment under these circumstances.